How will you Be..?
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Allah ﷻ has said

كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ

Every Soul shall taste death.
As the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ﷺ said “Remember often the destroyer of pleasures” (meaning death)
[Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2307, Grade: Sahih]

Remember the day when you will be prayed over, when you will be washed and clothed in the white cloak, when you will buried and questioned in the grave.

It is not a matter of “if” but a matter of “when” the only matter which you can change is the matter of “how”.
How will you be when you die? In a state of sin, or a state of Piety?

You will die as you lived.
How will you be when your soul is extracted by Malak Al Maut? Will he take it softly and calmly? Or angrily and harshly?
You will die as you lived.
How will you be when your soul is taken past the gates of Jannah to meet your lord?
Will the Angels praise you or Rebuke you?
You will die as you lived.
How will you be when your soul is sent back to the grave? Will your questioning be easy or difficult?

You will die as you lived.
How will you be when the Akhirah is shown to you?
Will your grave be filled with Noor from the window to Jannah or will it be full of heat and darkness from the window to Jahannam.
You will die as you lived.

Oh Ibn Adam! Remember Death hurries to you with haste, and will arrive just as the Salah arrives after the Adhaan.

Oh Bint Adam! Remember that Death passes by your house everyday on the way to take a soul, it will be soon before he reaches yours.

May Allah ﷻ save us from a disgraceful death, and may Allah ﷻ save us from the punishment of the grave. And May Allah ﷻ guide us all and make us among the righteous.



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