The Seven Under The Shade

The chaos on the plains of Hashr will be such that the people will stand waiting for the judgement to begin for 50,000 years with sun close above their heads, sweat coming upto their ankles, their waists, some upto their mouths.
And these are the evil-doers who will be in this state.
They’ll be crushed together, no space, no respite.
So much so that they’ll go and ask for intercession from the Ambiya عليه السلام just so the Judgement can begin!
This is the severity of it!
But The People of Islam, Iman, Taqwa, Repentance… Where will they be?
Under the shade of the Arsh of Allaah ﷻ,
On a day when there is no shade.
There will be 7 categories given shade as Prophet ﷺ said, they are:

  1. A just and kind Ruler.
  2. A youth who grew up in the worship of Allaah.
  3. A man whose heart is attached to the Masaajid.
  4. Two people who love each other for the sake of Allaah.
  5. A person who is called (For Zina) by a woman of beauty and status, but he says I fear Allaah.
  6. A person who gives charity and hides it to an extent that his left hand doesn’t know what his Right did.
  7. A person who remembered Allaah in private and shed tears because of it.
    [Bukhari 629, Muslim 1031]
    The ones that apply to us, reflect upon them.
    Just reflect….

Did we grow up worshipping Allaah, if we are still young, do we worship Allaah?
For the Parents do our children receive sound Tarbiyyah?
Do we attend the masjid as able bodied people as frequently as we should? Or has Covid become an excuse for us to stay away from the masjid?
Do we love our Brothers in Islam for the sake of Allaah alone, and do we gather upon that and leave upon that?
Have we as men, resisted the Fitnah of Women or did we lust over them?
Did we boast our charity and did we give any charity at all for the sake of Allaah?
Do we remember Allaah ﷻ in private and are our hearts soft that our eyes become moist with tears?
And this time they’ll spend on Hashr will past like an afternoon.
Quickly. With ease.
For them everything shall happen with ease on Qiyamah. Strolling into Jannah with ease. Protected by Allaah ﷻ from hellfire.
As Allaah ﷻ says:

فَسَوْفَ يُحَاسَبُ حِسَابًا يَّسِيرًا

“Then for him shall be an easy accounting.”
Look at the difference!


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