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A Barrier Between You And Your Sins
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Taqwa is fearing Allah ﷻ and through fearing Allah ﷻ you become Actively Conscious of Allah ﷻ throughout the day.
It acts as a barrier between him and the sins, Shaytaan tempts him with. It acts as a guard against his Nafs when it urges him towards Haram.
This is why it is important to have Taqwa. Because generally we shy away from doing Haram in front of our mothers, our fathers, our close relatives.
But when we are alone, and we have closed the door, and we sit in the darkness… We forget that the creator of the darkness that we use to cover ourselves, the creator of our mothers we shy away from is watching us.
We forget that the 2 Angels on our shoulders are writing down our deeds.
Are we not shy of Allah ﷻ ? Are we not shy of The Angels?

To gain Taqwa,

  1. it is paramount to seek a close relationship with the Qur’an, with Recitation, contemplation and Reflection.
  2. Constant Tasbeeh while we are out and about.
  3. Seeking of knowledge even if it is a small reminder of death on youtube.
    Allah ﷻ can see what you do, He knows what you intend, and what you want.
    So we must do what He is pleased with, and stay away from what He hates, we must intend everything for His sake, and want only His pleasure and safety from His wrath.
    And what of the one who sins being conscious that Allah ﷻ is watching him?
    How much more greater is his transgression against himself?
    And what of the one who is shameless and sins for all to see?
    How much more greater is his sin?
    How much more is his transgression against himself and Allah ﷻ?
    Ya Ibn Adam! Fear Allah ﷻ! Hope in Allah ﷻ! Make Dhikr regularly and Worship Allah ﷻ constantly!
    Ya bint Adam! Remember that the one who created and can see the black ant resting on a black rock on a black night, can see you too!
    May Allah ﷻ guide us all and make us among the Muttaqoon and the As Sabiqoon and Ahlul Jannah.



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