Do you Fear Death?
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On the authority of Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه who narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

قَالَ اللهُ تَعَالى: إِذَا أحَبَّ عَبدِى لِقَائِى أَحْبَبتُ لِقَاءَه، وَ إِذَا كَرِهَ لِقَائىِ كَرِهتُ لِقَاءَهُ

Allah ﷻ said: “If my Slave loves meeting me, I too love meeting him. If he dislikes meeting me, I too hate to meet him”
[Narrated in Bukhari and Sunan An Nasa’i]
Lets think about this Hadith in relation to ourselves,
Do we love the Dunya so much we literally hate Death… and meeting Allah ﷻ?
Are we so averse to the commands of Allah ﷻ in our lives that we know we are doomed in the Akhirah?
Because when the Mu’min hears the word Death, in theory he should be pleased!
Meeting Allah ﷻ, glad tidings of Jannah…
Who wouldn’t want Death then?
Rather we have fallen into the footsteps of those who disbelieve and those who follow their desires and take this Dunya as their Jannah.

And who is most sad and afraid of Death than the disbeliever who knows that with his Death comes an end to all delights… therefore he frantically increases in his indulgence, ignorant that with one dip in Hell, He would forget it all.
Allah ﷻ says about the Jews,

وَلَن یَتَمَنَّوۡهُ أَبَدَۢا بِمَا قَدَّمَتۡ أَیۡدِیهِمۡۚ

They shall never wish for it (death),
Because they know that they desired Dunya and they doomed themselves by their actions!
So they hate to die!
Let us prepare for Death and the meeting with Allah ﷻ,
For when the time comes we will love to meet Allah ﷻ as we know that we toiled hard and we stayed steadfast!
Remember that the righteous soul will be extracted smoothly because it will incline towards the Friendly Angel of Death!

While the disobedient soul will try to hide in the furthermost parts of the body, thus it will be extracted painfully slowly and received by an Angry Angel of Death.
If someone reads Ayat Al Kursi after every Salah, knowing the Hadith that whoever does this nothing separates him from Jannah except Death…
Or reads Surah Mulk knowing how it protects one in the grave…
How can they be sad about death?

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