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EPISODE 1️⃣0️⃣: Alî b. Abî Tâlib (رضي الله عنه) the Armor and the Christian

During his Caliphate, ‘Alî b. Abî Tâlib (رضي الله عنه) saw some armor of his with a Christian. He decided to take the matter up legally, so he took the dispute to Shurayh (the Judge).

‘Alî said: “This is my armor, and I have not sold it nor given it away.”

Shurayh said to the Christian: “What have you to say about what the Amîr of the Believers claims?”

The Christian replied: “It is my armor, although I do not regard the Amîr of the Believers to be a liar.”

Shurayh then turned to ‘Alî: “O Amîr of the Believers, do you have any proof (of ownership)?”

‘Alî laughed and said: “Shurayh is correct, I have no proof.”

So Shurayh judged that the armor was the Christian’s.

The Christian took it and began to walk away but then returned. He proclaimed,

“As for me, I testify that this is the judgment of the Prophets the Amîr of the Believers himself takes me to his judge and the judge rules against him! I bear witness that there is no deity deserving worship but Allâh and I bear witness that Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Messenger of Allâh. By Allâh, the armor is yours o Amîr of the Believers. I followed the army when you were on your way to the Battle of Siffîn and the armor came out of your equipment.”

‘Alî said: “If you have accepted Islâm the armor is yours.” And then he put him on his horse. Al-Sha’bî (the reporter of this incident) said: “I was later informed by those who saw this man that he fought the Khawârij (alongside ‘Alî) at the battle of Nahrawân.”

[Ibn Kathîr, Al-Bidâyah wa Al-Nihâyah Vol.8 p5.]

To be continued… إن شاء الله


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