In the last few ayahs in Surah Al-Furqan Allaah describes 9 beautiful characteristics of a special group of faithful and believing slaves of Allaah. What makes them special is that Allaah describes them as ‘Ibad-ur Rahman’.

In this new series we shall get to know what each of these charactertics are In Sha Allaah.

Let’s understand first what this phrase means.

Who or What is ‘Ibad-ur Rahman?
In Arabic, a slave of Allaah is called ‘abd and it has 2 plural words: ‘abeed or ‘ibad. ‘Abeed is used for all slaves of Allaah – both believers and disbelievers. In Surah Al-Anfal, Allaah says:

ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا قَدَّمَتْ أَيْدِيكُمْ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ لَيْسَ بِظَلَّامٍ لِلْعَبِيدِ

That is for what your hands have put forth [of evil] and because Allaah is not ever unjust to His servants (abeed)”

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah wrote in his tafsir regarding this ayah:
“Certainly, Allaah does not wrong any of His creatures, for He is the Just, who never puts anything in an inappropriate place.”
[Ibn Kathir]

‘Abeed is used to refer to the slaves of Allaah who are sinful, make mistakes, yet refuse to repent. They refuse to rectify themselves. They have no desire in becoming better slaves of Allaah. But the word ‘Ibad is only used for the slaves of Allaah who do sin, who do make mistakes, but they have a strong desire to always rectify themselves and they always repent to Allaah for their errors. They continuously strive to be a better person than yesterday. If they are already pious, they will struggle to do, even more, to become even better – and all of these are done for the sake of Allaah alone.

It was narrated from Anas that Prophet ﷺ said:
“Every son of Adam commits sin, and the best of those who commit sin are those who repent.”
[Sunan Ibn Majah, Grade: Hasan]

Allaah calls them not only ‘Ibad, but He also calls them ‘Ibad-ur Rahman. Allaah has many Beautiful Names, He could choose to call them ‘Ibadullah or ‘Ibad-ul Khaliq, but He chooses to describe them as ‘Ibad-ur Rahman’.

So what else will the Ibad-ur Rahman get?
To this question, I ask you to be patient and follow this series right until the end, where we will discuss the amazing rewards that will be granted to these special slaves of Ar-Rahman. With that goal in mind, in the next several posts, we will be discussing in detail nine beautiful characteristics of ‘Ibad-ur Rahman, In shaa Allaah!

As we study the ‘Ibad-ur Rahman characteristics, ponder and think:
⁉️ Which of these traits do I currently have?
⁉️ And which traits can I work further on, to qualify for?

✅Everyone has bad traits that they want to get rid of, and every believer has aspirations to become better for the sake of Allaah.
So let’s do our best to achieve these beautiful characteristics.

✅This is your personal journey – do not tell anyone that you have this good trait or that bad trait. Keep it between you and Allaah. And make du’a that Allaah makes this easy for everyone.

✅ Memorize the beautiful ayah.

✅ Share the khayr – spread what you have learned to your loved ones!

To be continued… إن شاء الله

May Allaah (ﷻ) grant us ease and make us among the Ibad-Ur-Rahman.

آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِين


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