A reminder to those who fear
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Allah ﷻ says


مَآ أَنَزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْءَانَ لِتَشْقَى

We have not sent down the Qur’an unto you to cause you distress,
Juwaybir reported that Ad-Dahhak said, “When Allah sent the Qur’an down to His Messenger, he and his Companions adhered to it. Thus, the idolators of the Quraysh said, `This Qur’an was only revealed to Muhammad to cause him distress.’ Therefore, Allah revealed this Ayah.

Qatadah said “No, by Allah, He did not make it a thing of distress. Rather, He made it a mercy, a light and a guide to Paradise”

إِلاَّ تَذْكِرَةً لِّمَن يَخْشَى

but only as a Reminder to those who fear
Allah ﷻ revealed His Book and sent His Messenger as a mercy for His servants, so that the person who reflects may be reminded. Thus, a man will benefit from what he hears of the Book of Allah ﷻ, it is a remembrance in which Allah ﷻ revealed what He permits and prohibits.
The Kuffar will listen to the Qur’an but it won’t go past their ears, consider that Allah ﷻ has allowed the Qur’an to touch your heart, and how great this blessing is.
تَنزِيلاً مِّمَّنْ خَلَق الاٌّرْضَ وَالسَّمَـوَتِ الْعُلَى

A revelation from Him who created the earth and high heavens.

Meaning, This Qur’an, which has come to you, O Muhammad ﷺ, is a revelation from your Lord. He is the Lord of everything and its King.
He created the lofty heavens with their high altitudes and subtleties.

It has been reported in a Hadith, which At-Tirmidhi graded as authentic, that the density of each sky of the heavens is the distance of five hundred years travel and the distance between it and the next heaven is also five hundred years.
الرَّحْمَـنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى

The Most Gracious Rose over the Throne.
These Ayaat brothers and sisters, these Ayaat guided the staunchest enemy to Islam at the time after Abu Jahl,
Umar ibn Al Khattab رضي الله عن!
Look how the man who beat up his sister and her husband for being Muslims, became the 2nd Khalifa of the Muslims and one among the two buried beside Muhammad ﷺ.
The Qur’an is a Noor and a Hidayah! Let it speak to you, as it spoke to Umar رضي الله عنه!
May Allah ﷻ make this Qur’an a guiding light for us in this world and a intercessor for the hereafter.



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