When the Sun and Moon Joins

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The boy (May Allah ﷻ bless him) is reciting from Surah Qiyamah

فَإِذَا بَرِقَ الْبَصَرُ

When the vision is dazzled

This has two ways of reading
Which means

لمع بصره من شدة شخوصه ، فتراه لا يطرف

His eyes will light up from the severity of his terror, so you will see him unblinking.

And also بَرِق
Which means
بل ينظرون من الفزع هكذا وهكذا ، لا يستقر لهم بصر على شيء ; من شدة الرعب

They will look around in fear, their eyesight will not become focused on anything due to the sheer terror.
وَخَسَفَ الْقَمَرُ

And when the moon darkens

Qatadah رحمه الله said
ذهب ضوءه فلا ضوء له

It’s light will disappear, and it’ll have no light.
وَجُمِعَ الشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ

When the Sun and Moon are joined

They will be joined together, the moon will lose its light and so will the sun then they shall be dropped into the hellfire.
This is the scene of the Day of Qiyamah.
Such terrifying scenes, that made this child cry!
People will be looking around in Terror, it’ll be dark and there’ll be no light except a persons good deeds to guide him! Some will be stumbling with no light, some with a flickering light, others with a bright beaming light, leading them.
As the poet said
يوم تشققت السماء بهوله

The day when the sky will split due to its terror

وتشيب فيه مفارق الولدان

And it will cause the hair of children to turn grey.
Are our hearts so hard, so cold… we don’t feel the words of Allah ﷻ affecting us?
This child is better than us in this regard, and we should feel ashamed!
We need to change our ways and turn back to the Qur’an before it is too late!
Don’t read for reward!
Read for guidance, the reward will come automatically!
May Allah ﷻ forgive us and open our hearts for the Qur’an and grant us Firdous.

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