Don’t Be Arrogant
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We need to always keep ourselves in check that we don’t put ourselves above others for silly reasons.
We need to remember that we had humble beginnings as a despised fluid, and a helpless end that nobody can prevent.
Because Wallahi, Arrogance leads on to many sins.

  1. It leads to carelessness with Deen, we think we are guaranteed Jannah and our Salah is lacking, our fasting becomes less spiritual, our Ibadah lacks Quality.
  2. It leads to a more Ill-tempered Nature, that when nobody can say anything to you, because they lack the authority and if they did then the Anger would seethe.
  3. This leads on to the Loose tongue, after people become angry their inhibitions are lost. The tongue is free to wound in one moment to cause 1000 moments of regret. The limbs are free to harm others.
  4. We forsake Repentance. We do not think we need to repent out of our arrogance, thinking that Allah needs us somehow or that we are guaranteed Jannah.
  5. We fail to see the damage on ourselves and it just keeps getting worse until there is nobody to rebuke but Allah on Qiyamah as He judges you for your book of Deeds.

Break the Cycle.
We can never gain Khushoo in Salah or any Ibadah if we are too arrogant to do so!
Arrogance is so dangerous and so harmful to the Nafs,

Look at what Umar ibn Al Khattab رضي الله عنه would do!
On the conquest of Jerusalem, Umar رضي الله عنه wore patched up clothes, he shared the mule he rode with his servant, so when they arrived. His servant was riding and he was walking.
He kept Rebuking himself and was humble in front of Allah ﷻ.
He conquered two empires! What have you done in your lives?

It is as if they are in a bubble.
But whoever is arrogant because of strength, know Al Jabbar has created someone more stronger than you.

If it is due to knowledge, know Al Hakim has created someone wiser than you.

If it is due to Beauty, know that Al Khaliq created someone more beautiful than you!

Ya Ibn Adam! You passed through the passage of Urine twice! Yet you are arrogant like you own the Earth? إتقو الله

May Allah ﷻ grant us humility, and forgive us for our arrogance.



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