A Martyr of Islam
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The Shaykh is talking about the honourable companion Anas Ibn Nadr رضي الله عنه the Uncle of the Sahabi Anas ibn Malik رضي الله عنه.
Anas Ibn Nadr رضي الله عنه at the Battle of Uhud, when the battle turned on its head and he saw many companions were fleeing the battlefield, and only a small group remained defending Prophet ﷺ, He took up his sword and charged his horse into the enemy.
Imagine the scene.

A lone Soldier. سبحان الله
He sees Sa’d ibn Muadh رضي الله عنه who shook the Arsh of Allah ﷻ upon his Death, and he shouted Jannah Ya Sa’d! I smell Jannah besides Mount Uhud!

And by the end of the battle, when the muslims found his body, they found him with 80 wounds on his body, a Shaheed.
They found him mutilated by the Mushrikeen.
[Reported by Bukhari]
سبحان الله
And as the Shaykh clarifies,
He wanted Jannah, and we also want Jannah.
But his want and our want is unequal.
He had no hesitation in sacrificing his life,
We have hesitation in sacrificing a bit of luxury and Haram.
Wallahi, test your willingness to sacrifice and change accordingly, next time you have to give clothes in Sadaqah, put your favourite clothes in the charity bag, your newest clothes in the charity bag.

Its a small sacrifice, but a telling one, because we tend to give our ripped, worn out, too small for us clothes.
We have such beautiful examples of Sacrifice,
The Women also have no shortage of greats.
Martyrs like Sumayyah رضي الله عنها
Fighters like Nusaybah bint Ka’b رضي الله عنها
Scholars like A’isha رضي الله عنها
And many more! .
We need to take time out and read about these people, their honourable lives alongside Prophet ﷺ and their work after he ﷺ passed away.
Otherwise how will you take them as role models?
The Battle of Uhud had so many heroes!
Ya Ibn Adam! What keeps you from the Path of Jannah?
Make the intention to change and to sacrifice something for the sake of Allah ﷻ.
May Allah ﷻ make us amongst Ahlul Jannah

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