How insignificant you are..
Look at how Malik Ibn Dinaar رحمه الله described us human beings.
He said “Definitely, you began as a scattered drop, and you carry filth in stomach, and your end will be a filthy corpse.”
سبحان الله
The words of Malik Ibn Dinaar رحمه الله ring true!
We started off, passing through the passage of urine first as a despised fluid!
Allah ﷻ says
فَليَنظُرِ الإِنسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِق
So let man look at from what he is created
خُلِقَ مِن مَّآءٖ دَافِقٖ
(They were) created from a spurting fluid.
Yet Allah ﷻ fashioned us in the womb, and this despised fluid became a small body, with arms, legs, a heart, eyes and the list goes on!
Allah ﷻ says
ثُمَّ خَلَقۡنَا ٱلنُّطۡفَةَ عَلَقَةٗ فَخَلَقۡنَا ٱلۡعَلَقَةَ مُضۡغَةٗ فَخَلَقۡنَا ٱلۡمُضۡغَةَ عِظَٰمٗا فَكَسَوۡنَا ٱلۡعِظَٰمَ لَحۡمٗا ثُمَّ أَنشَأۡنَٰهُ خَلۡقًا ءَاخَرَۚ فَتَبَارَكَ ٱللَّهُ أَحۡسَنُ ٱلۡخَٰلِقِينَ
then We developed the drop into a clinging clot (of blood), then developed the clot into a lump (of flesh), then developed the lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.
And then we again passed through the passage of urine, and this time as a small helpless baby!
And Allah ﷻ says
مِنْ نُطْفَةٍ خَلَقَهُ فَقَدَّرَهُ
He created them from a sperm-drop, and ordained their development.
ثُمَّ السَّبِيلَ يَسَّرَهُ
Then He makes the way easy for them,.
Ibn ‘Abbas رضي الله عنه says “Then He made his coming out of his mother’s belly easy for him”
Ya Ibn Adam! Why are you arrogant! How can you be! You came from a despised fluid and will become a rotting corpse! And in between you carry filth, consuming and excreting!
Does it not make sense to turn back to your Lord?
Ya Ibn Adam! Turn back to your creator, the highest, most excellent, most perfect. Allah ﷻ!
Turn back before you die!
May Allah ﷻ forgive our sins and make us humble.
آمين يا رب العالمين
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