A Poem to Ponder..
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Abu Al Qaasim As Suhayli Al Andalusi رحمه الله wrote these famous lines:
يا من يَرى ما في الضمير ويسمَعُ
Oh you who sees and hears what is in the hearts,
أنت المُعّدُّ لكل ما يتُوقَّع
You are the one who prepares everything which is hoped for,
يا من يُرجَّى للشدائِد كلَّها
Oh you who is sought in all difficulties,
يا مَن إليه المُشتكَى والمَفزَع
Oh you, to whom all complaints are heard, and with whom refuge is sought,
يا من خزائنُ رِزْقه في قولِ كُن
Oh you, whose treasures of provision lie in the saying “Be!”,
امنُنْ فإن الخيرَ عندك أَجمع
Shower on us blessings, for indeed goodness is only with you,
ما لي سِوَى فقرِي إليك وسيلةٌ
I have nothing except my poverty as a means to reaching you,
فبالافتقارِ إليك فَقْرِي أدفع
So through being in need of you, I remove my poverty,
ما لي سوى قَرْعِي لبابِك حِيلةٌ
I have nothing except my knocking at your door as a solution,
فلئنْ رَدَدْتَ فأيَّ بابٍ أقرع
If I was turned back, then at which other door could I knock?
ومَن الذي أدعُو وأهْتِف باسمه
Oh you! Who is the one I hope in, that I declare praises of his name,
إن كان فَضْلُكَ عن فقيرٍ يُمنع
your bounties are not prevented from your poor slave,
حاشا لجودك أن تُقنّط عاصياً
It is Far fetched due to your excessive bounty, that you make a sinner despair,
الفَضْلُ أجزلُ والمَواهبُ أوسع
Bounty which is most plentiful and blessings which are most encompassing.
One of the Saliheen used to make Du’a
اللهم اَغنِنِي بِالإِفتِقَارِ إِليكَ ولَا تَفقِرنِي بِالإِستِغنَاءِ عَنكَ
Oh Allah ﷻ enrich me through me being in need of you, and do not deprive me through me seeing myself self- sufficient of you.
The one who turns to Allah ﷻ in a state of neediness, will be enriched by Allah ﷻ whether seen as low status in Dunya or not. He’ll be showered by countless blessings from Allah ﷻ!
As Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’an
وَتَوَكَّلۡ عَلَى ٱللَّهِۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ وَكِيلٗا
And rely upon Allah ; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.
The one who thinks himself independent of Allah, is deprived of blessings of Allah, even if he holds high status, thus ultimately a poor person in the end.
May Allah ﷻ make us among those who rely and depend upon Allah ﷻ and forgive our shortcomings and grant us Jannatul Firdaus.
آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ
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