Watering Down the Deen

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We are in a time where the Enemies of Allah ﷻ have become triumphant over the Muslims in every single corner of the world.

The muslims have become indifferent to defeat and disgrace and are happy to live a life of Ignorance.

We are happy to adopt the Western Islam propagated to us by the Dollar Scholars and leave behind the Islam of Prophet ﷺ in the name of the 21st Century.

We have these so called Big Scholars of the West propagating this idea of “Islam needs Reformation”

This new religion, a liberal version of Islam, A secular version of Islam and whoever doesn’t follow it is labelled as misguided and an extremist.
They denounce core fundamental principles of Islam that Prophet ﷺ bled to establish.
They influence and poison the minds of the new generation through every avenue.
By Allah, this secular and liberal poison needs to be stamped on and destroyed.
It is destroying the youth of this Ummah!
Because it validates and makes open that which Islam restricts!
Zina? Go for it! Its a free country!
Homosexuality? Its fine and natural!
Riba? Go on! Only God can Judge you Habib!
It opens up the Immorality for the youth and seduces them all the while restricting Islam to the Mosques.
Why are we okay, When the Muslims have begun to think the Qur’an and Sunnah as backward favouring the way of man?
They’ll call us misogynistic because women wear Niqaab.
A Homophobe for saying Homosexuality is Immoral.
They’ll call us extremists for growing a beard.
They’ll label us and blame us and bark at us.
But should we care?

As the Qur’an says regarding the Believers:

وَلَا يَخَافُونَ لَوْمَةَ لَائِمٍ

Never afraid of the blame of the blamers

And as Imam As Shafi’i رحمه الله said “Say what you want for the Lion is not moved by the barking of Dogs.”
Ya Ibn Adam! Never compromise your Deen for pleasure in this Dunya!
May Allah ﷻ keep us steadfast upon His Deen.
آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ

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