Reflect on your Activities
Let us be educated and cautious when using our phones, which has the potential to be the greatest fitnah for a person, and also at the same time has the potential to be used for immense goodness and dawah!
Therefore it is a double edged sword!
Let every person Fear Allaah ﷻ regarding this Fitnah,
Let every person take refuge in Allaah ﷻ before accessing it,
Let every person be on guard when using this Fitnah!
We need to really evaluate what we aim to achieve on social media…
Are we destroying our Deen or are we elevating ourselves in it?
Many of us have good purposes الحمد الله!
Many of us have no purpose at all, other than to waste time!
Many of us have evil intentions when logging on!
We should all fear Allaah ﷻ!
Brothers, before watching that dirty video,
Sisters, before posting an immodest selfie on your public profile,
Before sharing Music,
Haram videos,
Useless content,
Ask yourselves,
Would you do this in front of your mother and father?
And if not, then are the creation of Allaah ﷻ greater in importance than the one who created them and us?
Of course not!
Reflect, and know that Allaah ﷻ says
اَلَمْ يَعْلَمْ بِأَنَّ اللهَ يَرٰى
Does he not know Allaah sees?
Whatever you intended to do, think twice!
Whether it be talking to girls online and flirting and getting indecent photos,
Or posting indecent photos for everyone to see,
Or sharing anything Haram…
Stop and think about your Akhirah for a moment!
The same Jannah that Allaah ﷻ describes
الفَوزُ الكَبِير
The greatest success!
The same Jahannam that Allaah ﷻ describes with
عَذَابٌ شَدِيد
The severe punishment!
Ask yourself,
Be sincere in your answer,
What side is your scale of Deeds tipping towards?!
What if you left the world, and you carried on accumulating sins through your online presence?
The women you persuaded to forsake their dignity,
The men you enticed and seduced
The men still staring, liking, commenting on your selfies and mirror pictures, not knowing you are now in the grave.
Take a moment to reflect on your recent social media activity!
Will it be a source of comfort on the Day of Judgement or a source of difficulty and regret?
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