Surah Al-Qiyamah – Verse 36
Allah says near the end of surah al-Qiyamah [75]:
أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنسَانُ أَن يُتْرَكَ سُدًى
“Does man think that he will be left neglected?” [36]
There were some differing explanations for the meaning of “neglected” in this ayah. In his tafsir, al-haafidh Ismaa’eel ibn Kathir briefly mentioned these differences and commented on them by writing
وقوله : ( أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى ) قال السدي : يعني : لا يبعث . وقال مجاهد والشافعي وعبد الرحمن بن زيد بن أسلم : يعني لا يؤمر ولا ينهى . والظاهر أن الآية تعم الحالين ، أي : ليس يترك في هذه الدنيا مهملا لا يؤمر ولا ينهى ، ولا يترك في قبره سدى لا يبعث ، بل هو مأمور منهي في الدنيا ، محشور إلى الله في الدار الآخرة . ـ
al-Suddi said, “I.e. that he will not be resurrected from the dead.”
Mujahid, al-Shafi’ee, and ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Zayd ibn Aslam said, “I.e. that he is left without being given commands or prohibitions.”
It appears that this ayah encompasses both of these meanings. That is, man is not left neglected in this life with being given any commands or prohibitions, nor is he left neglected in his grave without being raised back to life. On the contrary, he is subject to commands and prohibitions in this life, and he will be brought back to Allah in the hereafter.
[Tafsir ibn Kathir 8/283]
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