Benefits For The Later Generations

EPISODE 2️⃣7️⃣

2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ Imaam Aboo Haneefah said:

“He becomes angry and He becomes pleased; and it is not to be said ‘His Anger is His Punishment’ and ‘His pleasure is His Reward.’ We describe Him as He has described Himself, One Eternal, He does not beget, nor is He Beggotten, and there is none equal to Him, the Ever Living, All Capable, All Hearing, Ever Watchful, All Knowing.”

[Al-Fiqhul Absat p. 56]

2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣ Imaam Maalik was asked: “Will Allaah be seen on the Day of Judgement?”

So he replied: Yes, Allaah says; “And some faces shall be shining and radiant upon that day, looking at their Lord [75:22]”

[Al-Inqitaa’ p. 36]

2️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ Imaam Ahmad said:

“Whoever alleges that Allaah will not be seen in the Hereafter is a disbeliever who has rejected the Qur’aan.”

[Tabaqaatul hanaabilah, 1/59]

2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ Ar-Rabee’ Ibn Sulaymaan said:

“I heard Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee saying, regarding the statement of Allaah the Mighty and Magnificent, ‘No! verily they will be veiled from their Lord that day [83:15].’ ‘Through this He has taught us that there will be people who will not be veiled, looking at Him, finding no difficulty whatsoever in that.’”

[Al-Inqitaa’, p. 79]

2️⃣3️⃣5️⃣ Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said:

“Allaah speaks continuously, and the Qur’aan is the Speech of Allaah the Mighty and Majestic, it is not created. And in no way is Allaah to be described with anything more than what He – the Mighty and Majestic – has described himself with.”

[Kitaabul-Mihnah p. 68]

2️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ Imaam Ahmad said:

“Whosoever alleges that Allaah does not speak, then he is a disbeliever. Verily we relay these narrations as they have come.”

[As-Sunnah, p. 71]

2️⃣3️⃣7️⃣ Imaam Bukhaaree said:

“Allaah, all Praise and Glory be to Him, speaks with a sound. Those who are close can hear it just as those who are far can hear it. And this is only so for Allaah. And in this is a proof that the sound of Allaah does not resemble the sound of mankind.”

[Reported in Bukhaaree’s Khalq Af’aal al-‘Ibaad. cf. Al-Juday’, p. 165]

2️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ ‘Alee Ibn al-Hasan Ibn ash-Shaqeeq said:

“I said to ‘Abdullaah Ibn al-Mubaarak (d. 181), ‘How are we to know our Lord?’ He (‘Abdullaah Ibn al-Mubaarak) replied: ‘He is above the seventh Heaven, above His Throne, and we do not say as the Jahmiyyah say, ‘He is here upon the earth.’”

[Ar-Radd ‘Alal Mareesee, of ad-Daarimee, p. 24. And Ar-Radd ‘Alal Jahmiyyah, p. 50]

2️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ Al-Awzaa’ee (d. 157) said:

“I asked Az-Zuhree (50H-124H) and Makhool about the Ayaat pertaining to the sifaat (Attributes of Allaah), so they said, ‘Leave them as they are.”

[Sharh Usoolul I’tiqaad, of al-Laalikaa’ee, 3/430]

2️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ Al-Waleed Ibn Muslim (d. 194) said:

“I asked (Imaam) Maalik, Al-Awzaa’ee, Imaam Layth Ibn Sa’d, and Sufyaan Ath-Thawree, may Allaah have mercy upon them, concerning the reports relted about the Attributes, so they all said, ‘Leave them as they are without asking ‘how’.’”

[Sharh Usoolul I’tiqaad, of al-Laalikaa’ee, p.118]


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